Repeat Repeat by Jo Crossland

Repeat Repeat by Jo Crossland


450 mm x 300 mm


Artist Statement:

REPEAT REPEAT plays on my first memories of learning to letter carve - making marks and observing how the chisel dug into the stone or skidded along the surface. During these two years I tried to develop my lettering skills as much as possible and was lucky to receive the Harriet Frazer Bursary from the Lettering Arts Trust to develop this passion further, with tuition from Ieuen Rees and John Neilson. What felt so impossible before soon became fluent, and this can only be achieved through repetition and practice.

I first started stone carving 6 years ago during my Historic Scotland Craft fellowship under the watchful and inspiring eye of sculptor Michelle de Bruin. Last year I was also given the fantastic opportunity to spend another 8 weeks with John Neilson, letter carving at his workshop in Wales, thanks to the Journeyman Scheme funded by the Lettering Arts Trust.

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