Lettering Arts Trust Perpetual Calendar

Lettering Arts Trust Perpetual Calendar


The Lettering Arts Trust perpetual calendar is a celebration of fine letter carving and design in stone, glass and metal, showing the breadth of what is possible for commemorations, celebrations and decoration.  

The calendar is perpetual, and has no days, so it can be used for any year, or as a birthday or anniversary calendar. Never forget a birthday again.

We are indebted to Letter cutter and calligrapher, Celia Kilner, for giving us the idea and calligraphy.

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Rope of Words: written by Megan Kerr and illustrated by Lin Kerr

Type is beautiful by Simon Loxley

Type is beautiful by Simon Loxley

What they didn't teach you in design school by Phil Cleaver

What they didn't teach you in design school by Phil Cleaver

Beauty in Letters - A selection of illuminated addresses by John Wilson Beauty1.jpg

Beauty in Letters - A selection of illuminated addresses by John Wilson

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Memorials by Artists Publications Pack
