Pluck by Annet Stirling

Pluck by Annet Stirling

from £110.00

‘And pluck till time and times are done the silver apples of the moon, the golden apples of the sun.’ Text from ‘The Song of the Wandering Aengus’ by W. B. Yeats.

5mm thick corten steel, with lasercut lettering.  

Large steel: 1250 x 320mm above ground, easily fixed with a pointed bottom, approximately 250 mm into ground.  Would look wonderful on a lawn, under an apple tree perhaps?

Small Steel: 43 x 10cm Can be put in a pot, or hung inside or outside.


16 artists were invited to the Chelsea Physic Garden to acquaint them with the unique, historic garden. They responded to the Gardens’ 2018 theme of ‘Beverages Bubbles and Brews’ with proposals for standing stones and sculptures, sundials and ornaments with witty and wise inscriptions of poetry, drinking songs and recipes. 

Inspired by the myriad of plants that are the ingredients in teas and tisanes, wines, cordials, beers and herbal brews, ‘An Elixir of Letters’ slakes  the thirst of art lovers and gardening enthusiasts alike.

The exhibition occupies spaces throughout Chelsea Physic Garden from May to October 2018.

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The price of the piece does not include delivery. Please contact us on  01728 688393 or for a packing and delivery quote.

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