On A Knife Edge by Tim Royall

On A Knife Edge by Tim Royall


580 mm x 150 mm  x 140 mm  (at base)


Artist Statement:

Lettering has only recently become a significant feature of my work as a stonemason and sculptor. Within the last two and a half years I have enjoyed slowly developing my skills in letter cutting and calligraphy, having taken a Lettering Arts Trust course with Eric Marland and Tom Perkins in 2019. I am thrilled that letters are like objects: they each have an identity which is at once familiar to us, but they have the character of infinite variability. I am drawn to the work of the Boudens family, the classical lettering of Guilliano Bocchi and the flourished, experimental work of Nick Benson in the United States.

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The price of the piece does not include delivery. Please contact us on  01728 688393 or info@letteringartstrust.org.uk for a packing and delivery quote.

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