MENIPPE The Nereid of strong horses, that is, strong waves’   by Gordon Hayes

MENIPPE The Nereid of strong horses, that is, strong waves’   by Gordon Hayes


Hand carved slate incised with acrylic paint  


Gordon Hayes

Gordon Hayes qualified as an architect in 1986 and worked across a broad range of sectors. Latterly he was involved in design management. In 2014 he took a carving course at West Dean College and realised his true vocation was to be found in carving.  He graduated with First Class Honours from the Historic Stone Carving degree course at the City & Guilds of London School of Art. Under the tutelage of Tom Young, he developed an interest in the work of Kristoffel Boudens and Sepp Jakob. Rosella Garavaglia, Charlotte Haworth, Philip Surey and John Neilson who were all visiting tutors during the course, offered a wide spectrum of the lettering craft. 

In 2020 Gordon's work "Earthrise" featured in the "New Beginnings" exhibition of emerging letter carving artists organised by the Lettering Arts Trust.

Developer Dukelease commissioned a piece of public art which is now installed on their development in Cleveland Street, London. A full-sized cast of his work "The Return" is on permanent exhibition at the International Bomber Command Centre near Lincoln.

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AUTONOE Nereid of the single mind by Nina Bilbey


GLAUKONOME "mastering the grey" by Kelvyn Smith


SAO "safe" passage, or the rescue of sailors by Chris Cudlip

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DEXAMENE Nereid of the strength of the right hand by Matt Loughlin

GALATEA (Galatea) The Nereid of the milky white sea foam by Cherrell Avery

GALATEA (Galatea) The Nereid of the milky white sea foam by Cherrell Avery
