Enso Pebbles by Nia Bennet

Enso Pebbles by Nia Bennet


Enso pebble hand carved, incised on both sides around the stone, and finished in 23 karat gold leaf.

The pebbles are meant to be fun and played with by lining up the cirles or the natural lines in the stone. The “Journey” stones can be turned or placed in different positions to form a different path/route from time to time and hopefully have a meditative function too.

Approx size 10cm x 15cm.

Price for three - £330.00, please contact us: shop@letteringartstrust.org.uk to get this discount.

About the Artist

Nia Bennett is a Welsh artist designer who works in stone, using Welsh slate, limestone and sandstone.She is primarily a letter designer and carver but also produces sculptural work, sometimes combined with letter forms but also stand alone pieces. All her work is hand carved. Her work in lettering varies from the classical to her own contemporary take on the twenty six forms that we are all so familiar with.

The hand carving of letters gives an inscription or word an artistic quality, a sensitivity and an energy that can only be produced by the creative process, when hand and eye work in unison. The search for perfection results in letters of beauty and well balanced inscriptions with rhythmical spacing.Nia’s work also incorporates texture, pattern and natural forms. She thinks long and hard in choosing her inscriptions to find words that inspire, provoke thought or bring joy. She aims for the design and forms to echo the meaning and sentiment of the chosen word or phrase.

More recently she has been experimenting with abstract forms in slate and found stones, inspired by the Welsh landscape.”

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The price of the piece does not include delivery. Please contact us on  01728 688393 or info@letteringartstrust.org.uk for a packing and delivery quote.

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