Dragon by Tanja Bolenz

Dragon by Tanja Bolenz


144 x 101 x 19 mm

Welsh slate, fine rubbed

V - incised and painted off white


My lettering background is in calligraphy. A first class degree in Calligraphy from Roehampton Institute (1997) gave me a broad understanding of lettering, from historical letter forms to modern experimental lettering. Working extensively with an edged pen helped develop my eye and understanding for letter forms. After graduation I apprenticed in letter cutting with letter designer Tom Perkins, and subsequently took a two-year HND course in Applied Architectural Stonework at Weymouth College. After working with practitioners in both the UK and Germany, I set up my own practice in 2005.

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The price of the piece does not include delivery. Please contact us on  01728 688393 or info@letteringartstrust.org.uk for a packing and delivery quote.

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