Exhibition info
The inspiration for this exhibition comes from finding a wonderful book -The Lost Words - A Spell Book, by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. The book was created in response to the Oxford University Press deleting natural words from the Oxford Children's Junior Dictionary, initially in 2007 and as they have reprinted, more words have disappeared.
This exhibition is not a protest against the OUP deleting the words, but as insurance for the future against the words never being spoken or understood again. The stone carved pieces will reside in people’s homes or gardens, maybe in a woodland or marshland, but they will be there, quiet and unobtrusive, but strong and relevant for another 100 years or more.
The words will also be written in calligraphy. To see and read all these words together, will evoke a sense of loss, but also of determination to value what we have and attempt to hold onto their meaning and significance.
MAGPIE - by Louise Tiplady
WEASEL by Mark Noad and Michelle de Bruin
Visitor info
Open daily 11am - 5pm, March – December
Please call if you intend to visit midweek as we are occasionally closed for a workshop.
There will be a workshop in the gallery on Wednesday, 12th June. We will close at 4 pm on the Tuesday for setting up.
Further information: 01728 688393
Admission Free